Invoice management for companies is no less than a mission. Scanning through a huge amount of vouchers, arranging the invoice, making sure of accuracy etc. is a tedious task to complete. This is mostly because companies still employ the manual method of invoice management or an invoice management system that is incapable of streamlining the process and saving time.
By using Concur invoice management solution you can easily process supplier invoices and make payments. It gives you the ability to capture invoice data quickly and effortlessly with any of the following five methods:
With Concur's outsourcing option, Invoice Capture, your invoices are scanned at a central location. After the data is accurately captured, it is sent for approval. And because Concur offers an instant approval process, settlement of the expense claim is done much faster than you'd expect.
Concur's business invoice service has made invoice management easy for many companies across the globe. The advanced process enables companies to quickly automate the entire invoice process and collect all the relevant data and approvals along the way. Also, the service provides great visibility to the employee and the manager of the travel expenses, this information can be used to make effective decisions regarding future purchases.
Vendors and suppliers can electronically submit invoices and track their progress through the secure Supplier Portal, thus reducing the time your employees spend in answering inquiries.
With Concur online and mobile app, managing invoices is pretty easy and can be done even when you are not at your desk. The mobile app allows you to conveniently track, review, approve or reject invoices anywhere using your smartphone or tablet device. That simple!